The Goofy Regular Test: Which Stance Is Right For You?

The Goofy Regular Test: Which Stance Is Right For You?
In the thrilling world of surfing and watersports, one key factor that can greatly impact your performance is your stance. Whether you naturally prefer your left foot forward (regular stance) or your right foot forward (goofy stance) can determine your stability, control, and maneuverability on a board. In this article, we'll delve into the difference between these stances and provide guidance on how to discover which one is the correct stance for you.

Understanding the Stances:

1. Regular Stance:
In a regular stance, the surfer's left foot is positioned closer to the front of the board, while the right foot is towards the back. This stance is more common and is often preferred by right-handed individuals. When riding a wave, the left foot provides stability and control, while the right foot is responsible for maneuvering and steering.

2. Goofy Stance:
A goofy stance is the opposite of a regular stance. Surfers with a goofy stance have their right foot forward, closer to the front of the board, and their left foot towards the back. Goofy stance is more prevalent among left-handed individuals or those who naturally feel more comfortable with their right foot leading.

Discovering Your Stance:

1. Natural Instinct:
Stand naturally on a flat surface with your feet shoulder-width apart. Have someone gently push you from behind, and observe which foot you instinctively use to regain balance. The foot you place forward is likely to be your leading foot in surfing and watersports.

2. Sliding Test:
On a smooth surface, put on socks and slide across the floor. Notice which foot you naturally place forward for balance and stability. This can provide clues about your preferred stance.

3. Experimentation:
Try both regular and goofy stances during practice sessions. Experiment with different foot placements and observe which stance feels more comfortable, provides better control, and allows for easier maneuverability.

4. Professional Guidance:
Consult with experienced instructors or coaches who can assess your stance and provide valuable feedback. They can observe your body alignment, balance, and responsiveness to guide you towards the most suitable stance.

Remember, there is no right or wrong stance in surfing and watersports. The goal is to find the stance that feels natural and allows you to maximize your potential on the board. It may take time and experimentation to discover your preferred stance, so be patient and enjoy the journey of self-discovery.


Your stance in surfing and watersports is an essential element of your performance and enjoyment on the board. Understanding the difference between regular and goofy stances and finding the correct stance for you can greatly enhance your stability, control, and maneuverability. Whether you naturally gravitate towards a regular or goofy stance, the most important aspect is to find the stance that feels comfortable and allows you to ride the waves with confidence and joy. So, go ahead, explore, and find your perfect stance – the water awaits!

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